Monday 17 June 2013

The Turner Effect

 (Copyright© Frank Turner/XtraMile Records/YouTube)

This fine piece is an amazing little documentary on Frank Turner. A nice well paced 15 minute or so video that gives you a little insight into a man that myself and many others look up to.

To me, Frank Turner is up there with the greats: Springsteen, The Beatles, Dylan, Cash, Bowie, The Who. He may not be that for a lot of other people, but in my heart and, I know, in a hell of a lot of others he is.

Frank Turner is the ultimate game changer. He may not change the face of music itself or even tread ground that hasn’t already been stepped all over. But he writes songs that are incredible in the way they make you sit back and just listen. Nothing else. No focus on "what's for dinner tonight?" or "Oh that's a nice tree I just passed" Just you and his music. He has this grasp on people and music that just totally blows everything else out of the way and lets you just find yourself completely immersed in his music.

I have been following a nice little blog on Tumblr that is all about Frank called "Dear Frank Turner" Some of the things that you find on here are incredible. Not only is it a fan site, but it's also a gateway to finding out how much one person's music can alter the lives of many. Helping various people to find themselves, get out of tough situations or just show a genuine love for the music. This blog is there for the ultimate Frank fan.

Recently Mr. Turner released a New Album entitled "Tape Deck Heart

From this he has so far released two singles: "Recovery" and "The Way I Tend To Be"  

Thank You for the music Frank and here's to more in the future!

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